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Male Testimonials

tommy now tammy

09-08-10     tommy now tammy
hello amy it has been almost three months since i last wrote in as you may now know i am a pre op male to female transexualbefore i started on hormones to begin my male to female transition i used your fine natureday program to start my breast development your product has taken from a near flat chest to present where i am wearing and filling a 38c cup bra almost a size 40d cup bra i started in august 2009 on liquid/ cream and my one calender year of living as and dressing as a womanif all goes as planned my sex change operation is set for september of 2011 overseas in thailand andif thathas to be cancelled i am planning to have my sex change operation or vaginoplasty as it correctly is referreed to by medical terminology by dr bowers in trinidad colorado or by another famous sexchange doctor in montreal canada i am really looking forward to that day when a doctors scapel corrects a wrong to when all the drains come out and the packing comes ot and finallly the bandages come offwhen i can look down at the doctors good work and seemy new vaginaand finally bf a woman at that time i probably will feel lkie being in seventh heaven but all joking aside i am really looking forward to going abroad and coming home a broad as well as learning all the new things that i must learn about vaginal care such as vaginal dilation and douching possibly panty liners and light kotex so for now i just take it one day at a time as my hated penis is finally hacked off and my vagina is put in thank you and have a lovely day t almost tammy
