Female Testimonials

Female Testimonials
3048 Testimonials and Growing
02/05/2024     she is seeing a nice improvement in fullness and firmness!

Hi Tina, I bought the complete package for my wife, and she is seeing a nice improvement in fullness and firmness! She did say that the perfume used is a little strong, and she can't wear her favorite while using the cream..

11/02/2023     bottle for breast enhancement

Hello, I’m halfway through my bottle for breast enhancement Because I just moved I only took it for two days and then I had to stop so I am getting 2 1/2 dropper fills in the last two days and it seems like there’s some growth around my breast/ nipple area, which is great evidence. But I want to get the maximum results, so can you please advise me on exactly how much to take and for how long can I take this until I get the desired results because maybe have to order a couple more bottles as to not miss any progress??

10/05/2023     I love the breast cream & liquid

Hi Tina, It was a year in August that I gave you my review & pictures. I am still using the enlargement products I did take a break for a bit and maintained my size. I am still very happy with my results I love the breast cream & liquid the best & I do take the pills sometimes too. I hope my review last year helped others try your amazing product. Signed a very happy customer!

07/28/2023     my breasts grew 2 cm

I wanted some advice - i am 38 - on my first month my breasts grew 2 cm then after my periods decreased back to zero ( i was also going through a lot emotionally) , second month grown 1 cm and kept this 1 cm increase even after period. During these 2 months i was feeling my breast all the time a lot - slight pain, uncomfortable in my bras, tingling etc. Now i am on my 3rd month (had to do a second order from your site) but I can’t feel my breast like on the 2 first month. From your experience - should i continue on my regimen : 2 droppers + 3 pills or should i go up increase to 3 droppers or increase to 6 pills per day ? Thank you

07/04/2023     loving the Boob cream and drops.

I am loving the Boob cream and drops. Thank you. I can see a difference already and only been taking them for 1 month or so.

06/03/2023     my breasts grew from 83 to 85cm in 10 days so really don’t want to stop now.

I am super sensitive to mostly everything (including full moon coming up tonight ! ) and I am rather thin so tend to cut 1/3 off on even prescribed medication. I don’t drink caffeine because it makes me nervous and I am prescribed high quality of vitamin B + meditate daily that regulates my nervous system. I used to be very nervous and anxious as a teenage and early 20s. On the other hand, my breasts grew from 83 to 85cm in 10 days so really don’t want to stop now. If I had to « cut down » a little cause maybe it is too much for me but still get some results. What would be the best formula ? Thank you so much for taking time replying and caring. It’s the first time I am growing breast for real and been trying all my life!

08/16/2022     breast size went up from barely fitting in a B cup to a full C

Hi Tina here is my review: I have been using nature day for many months I am very happy with my results. I’m in my 50’s I really did not think this would ever work because of my age. Within 2 weeks I was feeling a fullness & tingling sensation as well as more bounce with every step. My breast size went up from barely fitting in a B cup to a full C what a great improvement your product is amazing! I am continuing the product for another few more months I will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks Tina for all your help. I’m a very happy customer.

06/27/2022     I understand how the product works but I never asked exactly how it works so fast.

I understand how the product works but I never asked exactly how it works so fast. Women wait years to develop breasts and natureday is able to develop breasts in weeks where other products use similar herbs and sorts how is natureday so superior in efficacy of results and immediacy of them? I cannot believe how much my chest is filling in even with 3.5 bars of soap I’m wanting to stock more up lol

03/18/2022     .Throughout the years your products have helped me a LOT with my self-esteem

Thank you very much for your help. I will reorder!! That's so embarrassing if one of my neighbors got it in their mailbox & opened it...Throughout the years your products have helped me a LOT with my self-esteem and I have definitely seen the results, very slowly but surely. I got my tax return and I wanted to order more.

01/19/2022     I did not even have cleavage before using your products

I started using your products, literally after my third child was born, which was in 2010. Amy was always super helpful, and I still haven't quite reached a b, but I swear I did not even have cleavage before using your products, so I know they work, and I always feel that tingling and growth whenever I start using them again. It probably would have been faster if I could afford to use it consistently, but it is quite a miracle and has helped me with my self-esteem. I am a little person with dwarfism and my son is autistic, so I don't get out much & I'm a single mom. Whenever I use nature day products it just makes me feel a little bit more confident in the clothes that I wear. I'm so glad y'all are still making it.

11/05/2021     It's fun to have something that works growing your chest.

We are using the soap and liquid daily. My friend and I are. we don't share with each other the results but we do talk about it all the time. It's fun to have something that works growing your chest. The soap smells very nice and the liquid breast drops taste good.

08/13/2021     I am happy with my breasts and am going to try and stay right where I am but if they continue to grow I really won't mind.

Just wanting to tell you about how pleased I am about how happy I am with your products and my breasts. I am now a true and full 36b bouncing when I walk breasted girl and I am totally impressed. I get compliments from friends and strangers on how perfect my breasts are. I was out shopping for some new bras and as the sales girl was helping me with my fitting she said that my breasts were perfect in size and symmetry and absolutely beautiful. Needless to say I blushed and thanked her for the compliment. I think that I have reached the point where I am happy with my breasts and am going to try and stay right where I am but if they continue to grow I really won't mind. I want to than you from the bottom of my heart for your products and for giving me the opportunity to have the breasts that I have always wanted for my entire life. Again thank you so very much for your help and your products on my journey into true womanhood.

06/14/2021     My breasts have grown from a C cup to a full D cup and well, my nipples, what can I say.

Now this is for all the ladies. I have been using Natureday products for about 6 months now. Liquid, pills and nipple pump ( I love the nipple pump ) My breasts have grown from a C cup to a full D cup and well, my nipples, what can I say. A picture is worth a thousand words. Nothing happens overnight.. Good luck to you all

06/07/2021     I have been using Natureday products for about 6 months now.

First I have a question.. Why is my last testimonial in the Male section? Now this is for all the ladies. I have been using Natureday products for about 6 months now. Liquid, pills and nipple pump ( I love the pump ) My breasts have grown from a C cup to a full D cup and well, ny nipples, what can I say. A picture is worth a thousand words. Nothing happens overnight..

05/17/2021     My nipples feel wonderful!

Amazing Nipple pump, I love it....My nipples feel wonderful!

05/01/2021     I've been using the Breast enlargement products for 3 days and am already seeing results!

Hi I've been using the Breast enlargement products for 3 days and am already seeing results! My question is if this product would work on other parts of the body. I have some loose skin on my thighs and arms from weight loss, would it work for that?

04/17/2021     I don’t mind if that’s just a result of growing breasts.

I just put in for my second order of your breast products as they have been working and my breasts are starting to fill in quite nicely. I’m not sure if it’s water retention or if I’ve just gained weight all in because my breasts are forming & starting to fill in... either way I don’t mind if that’s just a result of growing breasts. I would just like to work towards having nice curves and not lose the progress I have had. Was just inquiring to see if this is normal when using the products.

03/23/2021     It was like my boobs grew over night. So cool. Thank you

Another day in the quarantine. My friend at work told me about your website. I thought, what? Sounds fake. I am desperate though. I tried 1 bottle of the liquid extract. I took it pretty fast. Maybe in 10 days the bottle was gone. I did want to share my experience: I woke up about 8 or so days into it and what? It was like my boobs grew over night. So cool. Thank you, and thank you, and thank you. I am ordering again!! Nice...

02/10/2021     the mirror that my boobs are flowing out of my bra. I love them. So great.

The smell of the cream is pretty. Been taking the liquid and pills for 24 days- almost a month. I got dressed for work and I saw in the mirror that my boobs are flowing out of my bra. I love them. So great.

01/03/2021     Over the years I have tried many products to enhance my breasts.

If you are reading this: I hope this helps you and many ladies out there...... First let me say this. I do not know how to write this, so here are the facts. I am 72 years old. Approx. 2 months ago I ordered the pills, liquid and nipple pumps. My breasts were a C cup and nipples sort of flat. Well you know the saying " what a difference a day makes ". All I can say is " what a difference time makes ".. Here I am today, packing a full D cup and absolutely loving my nipples. Over the years I have tried many products to enhance my breasts. I wasted time and a lot of money. I thought at my age who cares about how my breasts look and feel. Well, I DID..... and glad I did. Ladies whatever your age. GO FOR IT..... WOW!!!! Thank you very much Natureday and Tina, for this miracle transformation in my life.

01/03/2021     Over the years I have tried many products to enhance my breasts.

If you are reading this: I hope this helps you and many ladies out there...... First let me say this. I do not know how to write this, so here are the facts. I am 72 years old. Approx. 2 months ago I ordered the pills, liquid and nipple pumps. My breasts were a C cup and nipples sort of flat. Well you know the saying " what a difference a day makes ". All I can say is " what a difference time makes ".. Here I am today, packing a full D cup and absolutely loving my nipples. Over the years I have tried many products to enhance my breasts. I wasted time and a lot of money. I thought at my age who cares about how my breasts look and feel. Well, I DID..... and glad I did. Ladies whatever your age. GO FOR IT..... WOW!!!! Thank you very much Natureday and Tina, for this miracle transformation in my life.

01/03/2021     the liquid and cream seem to be working my breast have grown a few inches

do you have anything to help grow my hair out ? the liquid and cream seem to be working my breast have grown a few inches thank you

12/02/2020     said to me last night that my breasts got bigger.

Thank you for getting back to me. Since I used the Liquid and cream my boyfriend said to me last night that my breasts got bigger. So since my birthday is coming up 12/11 I'm ordering the Pills and Liquid, because I've never tried your pills before and I want Bigger Breasts badly. (I need more Confidence) I'm going to give Natureday the full benefit and see how Big I can get. That liquid alcohol works Awesome.

11/22/2020     want longer, thicker nipples you have got to order the Natureday nipple suckers.

Please do not use my name or email address in the testimonial. I hope this helps the women. Tina, please post this in the women’s section. Ladies, I’m a man. If you have inverted nipples or just want longer, thicker nipples you have got to order the Natureday nipple suckers. I have been using them for 2 weeks, 2 to 3 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and my nipples have doubled in length and thickness and I started out with almost nothing. Now if you have never breast fed or used nipple clamps they might be slightly uncomfortable but not excruciating and if you get too sore just stop using them for a couple of days. I LOVE THEM AND THEY WORK. https://natureday.com/product/vacuum-enlargement-pump-nipple-sucker/

11/14/2020     Natureday Breast Enlargement Cream on my breasts like almost 6 to 10 times a day,

I've been putting Natureday Breast Enlargement Cream on my breasts like almost 6 to 10 times a day, because I've been seeing serious breast growth I feel it. I don't know if it's the Natureday Liquid or the Cream or all of above, but WOW I'm growing larger. I'm in between an A to B cup not sure yet, but I'm definitely Ordering the Bigger Package with the Pills Creams Liquid and Soap. My Birthday is coming up December 11th and I can't wait to see what cup size I have then and I have a Family Reunion with my brother I haven't seen in 42 years. Sorry I'm extremely Emotional right now and I'm blown away by all this positive things that are happening to me now. 42 years later! Thank You for everything Natureday I'm adopting you!

9/25/2020     The Breast products are doing wonders for me.

The Breast products are doing wonders for me. I feel great, my boobs are plumpy. I told my girlfriend about the soap, liquid, and cream. SHe is going to try it too. We wanna race to the biggest bust. We laughed about it last night. Thanks to you and your staff, I love the products.

09/10/2020     regular customers who loves the enlargement cream

Dear natureday, Thank u for working with me. I'm one of ur regular customers who loves the enlargement cream. My breast have grown to a full B cup size. I will write a longer testimonial later.

09/2/2020     taking the cream and the liquid for quite some time.

Hi Tina, I have been taking the cream and the liquid for quite some time. I recently got quite a bit of growth and am approaching a bigger cup. If I were to continue taking this would a C be possible? Thanks

08/12/2020     Breast size increase in such a short time with Natureday

I can't believe the Breast size increase in such a short time with Natureday.I did not want to interrupt the process while waiting on a mail in order. Using other brand pills was like driving on a tire with a slow leak. They increase in size when you fill it then they go down.

08/02/2020     I love the breast enlargement lotion and liquid droppers.

Hello Tin. I apologize. I am shy. I can't show my bare boobs online. Here is a picture of my boobs today. I love the breast enlargement lotion and liquid droppers. I have taken the droppers around 3 months. The enlargement lotion for 2 and a half months. My boobs are a lot bigger. NOt sure how much larger, but my bras are fuller. N.

06/21/2020     2 droppers of the breast enlargement liquid was too much

I am very happy with Natureday. I thought that maybe 2 droppers of the breast enlargement liquid was too much and maybe 1 was better I don’t know. Clearly Natureday is making a difference.

06/04/2020     enlargement cream for a week and my breasts grew.

Hello, I recently used the enlargement cream for a week and my breasts grew. I now decided to stop using the cream and my question is will my breasts shrink back to normal now that I stopped using the cream? Thanks

05/20/2020     have grown an inch so far!

Hello, I've been using Natureday for almost a month and have grown an inch so far! from 32" to 33" Thank you so much! I want to order the 6 month supply champion package next.

05/14/2020     I was quite satisfied with my results when I was wayyyyy younger

Hello, I purchased from you back in the day and I wanted to give you guys a try again. Hopefully, you have the same formula, because I was quite satisfied with my results when I was wayyyyy younger lol. I cannot wait to try again! Also, PLEASE RUSH my shipment, as soon as you can. Thank you and stay safe.

05/04/2020     I do feel soreness in my breast n an itchy feeling as well

Hi Nature day, I just wanted to update you as requested, I received the bottle earlier than expected on Wednesday n finished it yesterday. I can say that I do feel soreness in my breast n an itchy feeling as well, which is always a good sign. thank you so much for your help n hopefully I’ll see some noticeable progress soon! :)=

04/25/2020     I LOVE LOVE LOVE the liquid.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the liquid. I didn't think I would love it. I was actually frustrated when I got it in the mail. It dripped on my make-up table and it smelled weird. I actually thought it was snake oil. I was wrong. I love it. It works and I think 8 or 7 days I had growth. Thank you!!!

12/02/2019     honey your boobs are bigger.

My aunt said honey your boobs are bigger. It embarrassed me but actually after she said it I was like yeah I know I thought they were getting bigger. I am using just the liquid and soap. I apply a few drops on a couple times a day and take 65 drops in my oj every morning. I ended up telling my aunt after they were over what I was taking and she said she would try it too.

11/25/2019     3 and a half weeks they are for sure bigger.

Got the capsules and liquid drops a few weeks ago. An update on my growing: The first 2 weeks I noticed they were bigger in the shower. Now after 3 and a half weeks they are for sure bigger. I take 3 pills at lunch time and two droppers full in my tea (when the tea cools down) around 7:00 at night. Very happy that that combination worked for me.

11/19/2019     two weeks I am on Natureday liquid and I can see there has been some growth in my boobs.

Hello, So it has been two weeks I am on Natureday liquid and I can see there has been some growth in my boobs. I started taking 90 drops a day for 1 week and then reduced it to 45 drops a day. I hope this is okay ? Also I apply 2-3 drops twice a day to my breasts. I am planning on getting another bottle and wondering which combination will work faster ? Cream and liquid or pills and liquid ? Also if I want it to grow faster can I continue taking 90 drops a day or it is highly recommended to reduce the dose of liquid ? Thanks,

08/21/2019     She was completely flat chested prior to taking your product and we truly are so happy

I just wanted to say many thanks for being so understanding and reassuring with your replies. The results my hubby who identifies as she has had with your product are amazing and we both love her ever growing breasts and i suppose she is eager to keep the ever increasing shape and size going she is currently passing into b cup its incredible. I know i am as eager as she is. We will of course get some full testimonial.photos taken a timeline and our experience. She was completely flat chested prior to taking your product and we truly are so happy as a couple it has enhanced our relationship as wives so much. She loves the sensation it has given her nipples its incredible and the tingle. Our love life has had an amazing turn around we are so happy together and it is all down to natureday and your reassurances Thank you, Once again Tina for bring on hand and understanding, Many thanks,

07/19/2019     I used this stuff before and it did wonders.

Thank you so much .!! I used this stuff before and it did wonders . now i'm 40 fixing to be 41 and just had my 4th boy he just turned a yr old end of June and I went from big boobs to flat chested . n i dont like the way i look. So hopefully this will make a big change for me and for me to enjoy myself again. 😓

06/20/2019     3 or 4 months I noticed a difference in my breasts..

I bought your cream and soap back in Nov of last yr ..wanted to try it out and see what happens and by 3 or 4 months I noticed a difference in my breasts...was taking pictures every week for the process as well and noticed it on there....so decided a few weeks ago to get the pills and drops and they came in the mail on fri of last week and sunday started using them...so using the soap cream.pills and drops which I hope is alright...so wait and see what will happen now... thank you for the products and it really works...

05/04/2019     The liquid speeds things up for my boobs.

The soap feels very smooth on my skin and makes my boobs plump . I love the way it smells. I drink the spoon full of liquid extract twice a day and I actually love the taste of it. I didn't at first. The liquid speeds things up for my boobs. Thanks. I love the soap and liquid. Thank you.

04/04/2019     have seen/felt heaviness and fullness in myself

My testimony as follows been on natureday for 2 months felt on and off sensitivity taking 2 droppers and 3 caps a day am going to start using cream have seen/felt heaviness and fullness in myself will keep going for 6 months am pleased so far

03/28/2019     He and I can both tell they are bigger.

Yahhhhhhhhh. I like all of the growth. My boyfriend likes it too. He and I can both tell they are bigger. The liquid drops on my chest and under my tongue. I think it took 2 months plus a week.yaaaaaa.

03/03/2019     I've used Natureday before and I loved it.

Hi there, I've used Natureday before and I loved it. But I've had kids since then.. Last time I ordered the 8 month package and gained a cup size, will the same package have different effects this time around? I'm hoping I'll be able to regain the fullness I had before breastfeeding instead of just gaining sizes. Is this a valid possibility with the Natureday products? Thank You

02/03/2019     wouldn't mind them going up yet another cup size..hehe :)

Hi Nature Day management, My name is M and I've been taking Nature Day for 5 months now. I started the liquid first week of Aug. '18 along with the cream and soap. My main goal when starting was to even out my breasts, so I only massage with the cream on the left smaller side 1-2x a day. I started the liquid with 90 drops for the 1st week, 60 drops for 2 weeks, then 30 drops a day thereafter until now. After 3 weeks of nature day I grew 1/2 inch and just recently had a growth spurt of 3/4 inch..so 1.25 inches of growth so far and the left side is catching up as you can see from the photos :) I was at 36inches starting (32D), now at 37.25inches (wearing a 34C). I will continue natureday until the left side fully catches up and I wouldn't mind them going up yet another cup size..hehe :) Hopefully, my testimonial will be accepted. I will send in my final after results photo once I'm completely finished with Nature Day. Thank you for creating a product that actually works! Happy Bountiful growings everyone! :) p.s..please don't include my name, thank you. I have attached just the after picture in case you prefer that.

01/30/2019     Wish I knew about this 20yrs ago but it takes time to produce it and see if it works.

To the staff at Natureday ; I wrote to you a few month back regarding about the products I got from your company....and started the process Nov 13 2018 and stopped in Dec then started up again Jan 25 2019...during that time I stopped, the products been working and growing which is great...I had to buy 2 more cream and 2 more soap back in dec because I used it all up in nov that's because I didn't read the instructions right and used a lot at 1st but not now been following the info.. Wish I knew about this 20yrs ago but it takes time to produce it and see if it works. I was a size 42d but have to check it out soon to see what I am now... Thank you for a wonderful product for us women to use..

01/22/2019     only 6 days later and I'm seeing results already!

I just wanted to email you and let you know only 6 days later and I'm seeing results already! I've been trying to use natural methods for a while but I've never had results this fast with only using herbal methods. I've never had results from herbals ever before this actually! I am using the liquid (4 droppers since it only fills up to just under half the dropper) at night and then I made a mixture of the liquid extract with a few other things that I use as a topical massage oil usually once a day. Quit caffeine. Focusing on eating more and high fat. Trying to get at least 8 cups of water and 8 hours of sleep. Some of my swelling is probably attributed to my time of the month as well but only time will tell. If things continue this well I can't wait to write a glowing review for you! My plan was to continue with the liquid since it's working well and I don't want to add anything else at least for the first three months. I plan to continue with your products at full dose for eight months or more until I reach my goal then continue with a reduced dose to ensure growth stays. Do you have any other suggestions? Also I was wondering if I could get a discount if I bought multiple liquid extracts at a time like the other package plans? I also want to try the cream. So if I ordered four liquid extracts and a tub of the cream would that be enough to count as a bundle if you were willing to provide a package price? Thanks for your help and for making this product!

01/09/2019     after I saw what I felt like was rapid growth

I am about to finish my 4th jar of the cream. I recently resumed using the cream after I saw what I felt like was rapid growth after the first 3 back in late summer. I’m not looking for full breasts, just more volume. I estimate I had less than an inch projection (sternum to a cami top) to start with and now I have 1 5/16” of projection. I might try to see what 2” looks like. Hence buying 3 more jars from you. Thank you.

12/04/2018     I have seen more growth so I had to let you know. I love the change.

I like the smell of the cream and the taste of the liquid is okay in water. I drink a full droplet mid day for 2 months. I have drank through 3 bottles. I have seen a change already in the first few weeks. But now I have seen more growth so I had to let you know. I love the change.

11/19/2018     she said it worked great on her

I was wondering how long does it take for the soap and cream to start working and to get results ....a friend of mine got this for me and started using it on nov 13 ...she said it worked great on her..the reason I ask is I have an event coming up next month a Christmas party on dec 15 and will I see any results by then Thank you

11/16/2018     THANK YOU for that liquid. WE LOVE IT

My sister and I ordered a 6 month supply of liquid. It started off slow. We kept in touch how it was working with each other. The liquid did make mine tingle and not hers. After 2 or so weeks it was working for her. After 3 weeks take a day or two mine had their first growth. Wow. I had to write Natureday so we could add our testimonial to your website wall. We will write again- or I just get her to write the next one. THANK YOU for that liquid. WE LOVE IT

09/07/2018     The growth has been slow but steady.

The growth has been slow but steady. I like my bigger shape. Thanks you guys. I half thought the liquid drops were not going to do anything.

08/26/2018     My boobs are heavier now

Loving the cream. The smell is great. My boobs are heavier now. Before I get dressed in the morning Love to look at them grow. Thanks for making the best cream. I love the liquid too. Getting used to the soap, do I leave it on for a while? Thanks.

08/15/2018     My breasts have shown growth from being really flat

I was looking at buying from the website but was thinking if ordering the Success Package (2 liquids and 1 bottle of pills) would have the same effect as 3 bottles of liquids? Since the latter is relatively cheaper and there is no 3-liquid package available. I still want to continue taking the liquids and I still have the cream and soap. My breasts have shown growth from being really flat, now I can feel that my sports bras and A cup bras are much tighter and can surprisingly fill 3/4 a B cup bra. My goal is to reach a full B so I'm looking to purchase the liquids again. Thinking if I should just do one bulk buy to save from shipping haha. Please let me know! Thank you. Cheers.

08/09/2018     My breasts are surprisingly larger.

Ive been using the drops in juice and lathering soap when I take baths. My breasts are surprisingly larger. It's been around 10 to 11 days since starting. I am very surprised. Thank you millions. I will keep going and tell my gf's at yoga.

06/14/2018     Hopefully this will get me to a c.

This is my second round. Been 6 months since my first. First round took me from a to a full B. Hopefully this will get me to a c. Will let you know.

05/15/2018     It makes me love my skin and my newly forming bigger boobs

Hi Tina, I use the soap daily in the shower. It makes me love my skin and my newly forming bigger boobs. I forget to take the liquid drops. I take 1 filled dropper every other day. I love my new soft bigger boobs. Can I leave the soap on longer?

04/9/2018     my boobs were deflated from nursing.

I ordered 3 liquids and took them for 2 months. Tina asked for a testimonial so here it is. I am 24 and in my last year at college. I like the liquid. It at first was kinda weird tasting, but not too bad. Then I got used to it and didn't need a water chaser. My daughter is 1 now and my boobs were deflated from nursing. The liquid enhancer pumped them up some and now they are a lot more full. I can really tell when I put my old bras on. Thank you for making those products. I have not tried any other product you guys offer, but the liquid works so why would I need anything else. I will continue to purchase more bottles until I am satisfied. Maybe some day I will send in a photo, but I am pretty shy, so it's a big maybe.

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